The 5th Annual Northeast Rice Conference
The conference took place on Saturday, August 2nd, 2014 from 9am-4pm at Akaogi Farm. 2014 Conference details.
An article in Lancaster Farming about our 2013 conference: "Conference Looks at Growing Rice in Northeast" + Read Article

"Seasons of Change" Video
View the "Seasons of Change" video slideshow. Enjoy a season's worth of ecological vibrancy and diversity in the Akaogi Farm rice paddies through Takeshi Akaogi's photographs.

Growing Degree Days
Growing degree day data is a tool to help define climatic differences and we are using it in our effort to identify rice varieties that are able to grow well in a specific location in the Northeast. Our current growing degree day map will be improved with results from rice variety trials currently being conducted at around 30 sites throughout the northeastern USA. + Learn More

This effort is currently funded by the National Science Foundation.
In 2008 and 2009, funding was provided by a Northeast Sustainable Agriculture Research and Education (SARE) Grant.